The world is a crazy place, I am not surprised you want to Homestead.
Wars. Food shortages. Pandemics. That is literally just last weeks news. Yeah. It’s crazy out there.
That is why my wife K and I started homesteading over a decade ago.
Hi, I’m Aust btw. (we farm, make videos, podcast, and do almost everything else together, but I do all the writing here 🙂
I used to be a chill guitar playing surfer bum who never owned even 1 chicken. Now My Wife and I have 6 kids, and together we run a farm with cows, pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys, guineas and 1 duck (funny story).
What happened? We had a kid.
The classic ‘had a kid wanted to change our life’ story.

We decided to move to the country and start a farm away from the crazy.
It seemed impossible at the time. We lived in a 3rd story apartment, owned NO land and our income was soooo little.
Also, I had ZERO farming experience. No worries.
What we lacked in money and experience (and literally everything else you need to do this) we made up for with stubborn (maybe foolish?) determination.
More than a decade later we have that farm away from the crazy.
We raise all our own meat. Each morning we milk cows, make cheese, collect farm fresh eggs. We forage from the forest, do some hunting and fishing, and once in a while kill a plant in the garden.

If WE can do this, so can you.
Don’t own land? Neither did we. Don’t make much money? Yeah, I was a construction worker. Don’t know the first thing about chickens? Little secret… they are not hard to raise.
If You want to start Homesteading, or grow Your homestead a bit bigger this year, you’re in good company here at Homesteady.
Homesteady is an adjective. A word that describes a noun (You are that noun). Maybe You are not an old timey homesteader who lives off the land from his bunker in the Colorado mountains. But you do grow herbs on your patio, and you are hoping to move to the country in a few years and get some chickens.
Congrats, You are Homesteady. Now… with great power comes great responsibility (I am a big nerd, get used to the references)
I want to ask you to do 2 things.
If you join our email list I can send you ALL our Podcasts, Videos, and Free Classes. Also, I don’t trust YouTube, iTunes, Instagram, or any other big tech company. One day they can shut our stuff off with the click of a switch. If you join my email list, you will NEVER lose contact with me. CLICK HERE to subscribe to that email list, and I will send you a welcome email with a nice welcome gift (its a free course on starting homesteading)
2 – Email me back and introduce yourself
When you get that welcome email from me, please take a minute to respond and introduce yourself. I have a large Youtube channel. That means I literally get multiple hate messages every day. Just 1
nice email makes up for all those and more, and today I think it’s gonna be your email 🙂
Thanks for joining us in this adventure. Looking
forward to getting to know you!
Aust and K