Finally! Ladybug our Mini Jersey Cow has calved. The birth went very smooth, and now we have a beautiful calf… But what kind? Is it a bull or heifer?
Our Cow Calved On This Day… Will History Repeat?
Back when Luna our first calf was born to Ladybug, our first cow, she showed up early. 3 days early to be specific. Today’s video we find ourselves 3 days ahead of Ladybug’s due date, asking the question… Will history repeat itself? Will Ladybug calve today?
The Early Signs of Calving
How can you tell if you cow is close to calving? The day is getting closer for out Cow Ladybug to calve, and we are beginning to see the early signs. As a Cow gets closer to her calving, she will start to develop an udder. Her pins will loosen. Her Vulva will become floppy. […]
Spring time… The birds are singing, the flowers blooming, and chicks are arriving to farms all over the country. When I think of getting chicks for the season I traditionally think of ordering chicks in a catalog online, in February, and then them arriving sometime in the spring. I think most homesteaders and small farmers […]
How a Big Family Can Live DEBT FREE OFF GRID!
Jeff and Rose and their 5 girls (ages 10, 12, 14, 15, 17) have been living off grid on their northern Canadian homestead for 8 years. They started with a bare 20 acres, without even road access, and have since built their house, shop and all sorts of homestead type of infrastructure; animal pens, barns, […]
Time For Change On This Homestead
You can feel it in the air. The season is changing, and a homesteaders life changes with the changes in weather, sunlight, and temperature. We have enjoyed a very busy spring and summer. Goat kidding had us very busy, as did summer pasturing of animals, and milking goats. Our cows were dried off all spring […]