The world presents us with many boiled down choices in life…. Pepsi VS Coke… Democrat VS Republican…. In the homesteading world many people feel pasturing animals is the “right” way to manage them, and confining animals is “wrong”. But is it that simple? Do we have more options than Pepsi or Coke? In today’s episode […]
Tractor Mike, of the Ask Tractor Mike Channel on Youtube knows people make this mistake when buying a tractor. For years he worked in the tractor industry. Time and time again he saw people buy land, and at the very same time, they would buy their tractor. DON’T DO THAT! Tractor mike suggests that when […]
Kidding and calving can be hard on an animal. Giving birth can wear an animal out, and You will find your goats become more susceptible to worms after giving birth. We decided heading into our births to boost our goats minerals, make sure they were at optimum health going into the birth. However we did […]
EX Tractor Salesman Shares Secrets on HOW TO BUY A TRACTOR
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Trying Our Goats Milk for the First Time… Did We Like It?
Over a year ago we bought goats for our new homestead. Homesteading is a long game and everything you want to grow and produce takes a while. In the case of these goats over a year till we could get our first cup of milk. First off the goats needed to be old enough to […]
A INTENSE GOAT KIDDING – Kid in the Wrong Birth Position
Lacy, our nubian goat, was it labor. That was clear. The pacing, the arching, laying down and getting back up trying to get comfortable. All were signs that she was getting closer and closer to having kids. But something wasn’t right. As time passed progress was slow, and Lacy was uncomfortable. K and I have […]