How Do Fly Predators Work? Find out in today’s video. CHECKOUT SPALDING FLY PREDATORS – (NOT SPONSORED OR AFFILIATE… JUST A HELPFUL LINK) Flies can be a real problem on a homestead. Ladybug our cow is blind in 1 eye because of a complication of a disease a fly infected her with (that happened before […]
What Kind of Tree do Morel Mushrooms Grow Under?
Morel Mushrooms are hard to spot in the woods. Sometimes it is easier to learn what kind of tree do morel mushrooms grow under, then look for that tree and fill your basket! It is Morel season in PA. I knew my Brother In Law had Yellow Morels growing on his farm, and so we decided […]
INSIDE Our Family Farm House
After over a year of moving into our new home, finally you get a chance to see inside! It is time for a tour of our new Homestead HQ. Last year K and I decided to move into the house that K grew up in, on her family farm in Pennsylvania. We announced on our […]
I get asked all the time how to grow animal feed. Lots of homesteaders are trying to feed themselves and their animals off the land. That is awesome. Feeding yourself and growing livestock off your land is what homesteading is all about. So if that is what homesteading is all about, why do I think […]
Everything We Did RIGHT and WRONG at Our New Homestead
We are settled into our new homestead. Finally. But it was a LOT of work getting to this point. When our homestead in CT went onto the market to be sold things moved quickly. In just 10 days we had an offer on the place and accepted it. Suddenly we needed a place to live […]
3 Mistakes New Homesteaders Make
It was the first year on our new homestead and we decided with summer coming we were going to start a garden. I brought in a skid loader, dump truck, and an excavator. We tour up about a half an acre lot, took all the topsoil off of it, screened it and put it all […]