How can you tell if a goat is pregnant? It is actually much harder that it seems. A few years ago we had a lamancha doe bred (or so we thought…). A few months went by, and as we got closer and closer to the due date we started observing signs of the birth approaching. […]
We have wanted to live in a Yurt for almost as long as we have been married. When we finally had the chance to pull the trigger and live in a Yurt… We said NO! Why did we kill our Yurt Dream? When we were first starting to think about homesteading, we didn’t have much […]
How To Build a Goat Milking Stand – Easy DIY
Learn how to build a goat milking stand or stanchion in today’s video! We had just purchased our first dairy goat. K wanted to milk goats, and I wanted to drink goats milk. In just a few weeks our doe would Kid. K would spend each morning peacefully milking her new doe, and I would […]
How To Build a Goat Milking Stand Extended Version
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The Dirty Truth about Tiny Living as a BIG FAMILY – What is it like living in a tiny home?
If you are wondering what is it like living in a tiny home as a big family… Today’s video may help you find some answers! Tiny living has taken over the television, internet, youtube, pinterest and instagram world. The pictures make it look so simple and nice. The shows make you think tiny living will […]
Selling and Moving Away From Our Beloved Homestead Wasn’t Easy
A year ago this podcast disappeared. We announced we were moving, selling our homestead in CT, and headed to a new farm in PA. We said that you would be getting updates from us as we went on this journey to our new home in the state of PA. Then silence. In our official Season […]