Making money from your homestead. Not just money, but like REAL MAKING MONEY, like Profit! Does that sound like an impossible dream? Anyone trying to make a little cash from farm fresh eggs probably feels that way. It is so hard to figure out what to charge, and how to cover all expenses. This week […]
How To Price Farm Fresh Eggs to MAKE MONEY! (and other Farm Products Too!)
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Breeding Our Family Milk Cow!
The LONG AWAITED time is finally here! We are breeding our cow Ladybug! More on that in a minute… The week started with an exciting package I got in the mail. I have been using game cameras for years to keep track of wildlife on my own property, pattern their movements, and for security […]
Sick Animals, Dead Animals, and better ones too!
When it rains it pours…. That’s a saying that suggests when things get bad, they get really bad! Well this week we found that out the hard way. We have had literal RAINS cause some serious flooding in our barn. Nothing structural was damaged, but the animal pens flooded, and as the waters subsided, we […]
Moultrie Game Cameras
Checkout Moultrie Game Cameras! We love their cameras and have used them for years!
We had a SCARY CLOSE CALL this week with our puppy! More on that in a bit…. The week started off with our very first Milking in PA! We have become a Family Cow First Homestead… That is our primary production on this homestead is our cows, both milk and calves. And for 2 months […]