These feeders and rain hats work great at keeping feed good and clean for a long time!
Why We Disbud Goats
No homesteader, farmer, or goat owner likes the process of disbudding goats. But preventing horns from growing on your goat prevents a whole lot more troubles down the line for you. There are 3 main reasons we disbud all our animals. Safety of our family and friends. Goats are animals that can not be completely […]
A Vet Demonstrates How To Disbud a Baby Goat
Learn How To Disbud a Baby Goat in todays video! Today we show you our little goat buckling being disbudded by our local large animal vet, Dr Carlson of Roxbury Animal Clinic – Our little buckling is just a few weeks old, and so it is time to disbud the little guy. Disbudding is […]
We Are Leaving Our Homestead…
A very big announcement on todays episode of the podcast! K and Aust sit down and share with you some very big news that you don’t want to miss out on… Sign up to our email list so you don’t miss any of our videos here – In Friday’s Video we announced our big […]
Kiko Goats – a History and Goat Buyers Guide
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You Are Going To Screw Up
I promise you that you are going to screw up. Let me explain. When you finally take that jump and start homesteading… Or maybe you already started and you get your first livestock… or plant your first crop…. Point is, when you decide to do something new, you are going to make mistakes. How do […]