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The Turkeys are All Dead….
The biggest failure of our 2017 homesteading year was our Turkey endeavor. We picked up 17 birds back in March. By the end of the next day only 2 were alive. A few months back the female was killed by some predator. Leaving only one big Tom. Homesteading is going to fill your life with […]
Snow, chicken poop, farm fresh milk and Killing birds. I love homesteading weeks like these.
We are moving livestream nights… Stay tuned. There will be no live stream tonight as we are preparing for the launch of our new forum next week. Snow, chicken poop, farm fresh milk and Killing birds. I love homesteading weeks like these. It started off cleaning coops with my wife. Now I don’t love cleaning […]
Plan Ahead For Success On Your Homestead
This week we released a new episode of our Podcast. (Download in iTunes) K and I sat down and talked about this year and what happened. You may remember last year, when K and I sat to do our yearly update episode… It was, let’s say… a very unpopular episode of Homesteady. Ok, let […]
The Best Food Money CAN’T Buy
I had the best chicken of my life this week. The worst part… It was not chicken… Let me explain. Last week my pup and I had a successful bird hunt, and we brought home our first pheasant rooster for dinner! I did a bunch of research on how to have a great tasting bird, […]
Hunting, Cleaning and Cooking My First Pheasant!
See how we Hunt, Clean and Cook Pheasant in todays video! The last few weeks Pheasant Season has been open in CT. My Yellow Lab “Bones” and I have been out in the fields trying to get some pheasant on the table. Pheasant hunting is one of my favorite kinds of hunting. You can be […]