It was Freezer Filling week at the Homesteady Farm! This last week I put $500 Dollars worth of ground meat in the freezer. It was time to grind up all the venison we had. Generally speaking when you harvest a deer, the front half of the animal is made of tougher meat. Meat that doesn’t […]
Grind Your Own Meat with the LEM Big Bite Grinder
When you raise animals for meat, or hunt them in the wild, you need to be able to process them yourself. Processing your own meat can save you money, and get you a better product. Better product for less money? That is a win win! In a recent video we shared with you how to […]
It was WAY BACK! May 16, 2014…. The very first episode of the Homesteady Podcast was released…. Since then we have released 55 episodes of the podcast 286 Youtube videos blog posts courses swag! I didn’t start this thinking I would ever go full time with it. I didn’t think content creation could be a […]
Milk in the Fridge and Meat in the Freezer
Wake up, put on warm cloths, and head outside in cold November morning. Walking out to the barn, cleaning the area, getting the cows in place, milking, cleaning again, bringing it all inside, straining and separating, cooling, and cleaning. All to do it again that evening. Is it worth it? All this work? OH YEA […]
I was an ANTI HUNTER – What changed me?
[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//″ height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] On this episode of Homesteady, we explore the lifestyle of the modern hunter. We will be examining both the facts and the feelings that come into play when decided whether hunting is an ethical option for feeding one’s family. With scenes from Bambi resonating […]
Grow Farm Fresh Food All Year Long with Hydroponic Gardening!
Hydroponic Gardening. Some people have no clue what it is at all. Others (My Wife) may picture a creepy basement filled with bright white LED lighting, plants growing from tubes… When a hydroponicist… (is that even a real word?) thinks of hydroponics, they think of gardening with no bugs, in a controlled environment, year round, […]