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17 Year Old Making Money with Homestead Hydroponics
Learn all about how to grow a Hydroponic garden, and how it can save you money in todays video all about Hydroponics. In preparation for an upcoming podcast episode of Homesteady all about Hydroponics, Accountant Mike and I traveled to interview Jonathan Russo, a 17 year old who is saving his family hundreds of dollars […]
Homestead Orchard Trees, Bushes and Plants from Northeast Edible
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How To Butcher Ducks
In this video, you will see how we butcher our Pekin ducks for meat on our homestead. Learn how to kill, process, pluck and remove all feathers, how to gut and package meat for your family. We raised 8 Pekin ducks this year to put in the freezer for special meals for our family. […]
She Quit Her Job and Started Farming
How to quit your job and become a farmer! In this video, we interview Morgan Templeton from Aradia Farms. Morgan quit her job at the hospital and is now a full-time farmer. How can a person support themselves as a new farmer? How can you make the transition to being a full-time farmer? How can […]
How To Run Profitable Farm Workshops
[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//″ height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] Take the Epic Homesteady Survey Here On the farm this week we successfully planted an entire orchard in just a few hours! How did we get so much work done in so little time? With an on-farm workshop! On-farm workshops are a great way […]