Learn how to draw your farm design to scale on a whiteboard with this video! When I used to work in construction from time to time I had to draw a plan for a project. I learned very quickly that plans that were being worked off of needed to be drawn to scale, as we […]
How To Make Money Raising Chickens (egg layers)
Make money with chickens. In this video from www.thisishomesteady.com we share with you an idea on how a homesteader could earn $1000 gross income from their chickens, and depending on their feed costs, have a nice profit left over at the end. Saving money and earning money from chickens is not always easy. We hae […]
How To Pay For Your Farm Dreams
What is holding you back from Homesteading? (or growing your homestead to the place you want?) For most of us, lack of MONEY is the main problem. For those of you who would say that it is your lack of time, that just means you’re too busy with work and you’re working to earn money, […]
How Much Money Can I Make Raising Pigs?
How much money can you make raising pigs? Find out in this pig farming video brought to you by www.thisishomesteady.com. Every year we raise feeder pigs on our homestead. We raise them to feed our family the most delicious pork we can possibly get, and also to sell to our local community. Pastured pork is […]
How To Farm or Homestead When You Have No Extra Money
“It doesn’t matter where you start: you can find acres of diamonds no matter where you are at.” Are you excited for this new year? Or are you thinking, “This year, I want to REALLY homestead, but I don’t have the money.” Your concern is valid. Growing a farm- or farm business- does require money. So […]
Building Wealth So You Can Enjoy Freedom to Farm – With John Pugliano
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