Do you save money hunting? This is a tricky question, with many answers, but I thought it would be fun to do a quick breakdown…. First let’s consider what harvesting a deer is worth in meat value. When I harvest a deer and butcher it myself, a smaller deer yields around 40 lbs of free […]
Homesteading – On the Go!
“Seeing you don’t object, I’ve decided to go see the West.” Are there any homesteaders amongst us who haven’t found inspiration in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House Series? As you know from our last podcast, Aust and Kendra are packing up the four kids and taking them West. Like the Ingalls family, they are looking […]
Organic Gardening Masterclass
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Meat Hunter? Trophy Hunter? or Just Hunter?
Every November, K and I pack up the family and head out to Pennsylvania. My in-laws live there on a 100 acre farm. The farm is beautiful, a great mix of fields and hardwoods. And it is loaded with deer! For those of you who are new to hunting, November is a great month for […]
I’m NOT Interested in Hunting!
Not all Homesteady people like the idea of Hunting. I understand. My own parents cried when they found out I started hunting! No worries! You will no longer receive hunting related emails and updates (to the best of my ability to keep things sorted correctly ;). -Aust
Planting Fruit at the Homestead – MASTERCLASS
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