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The Perfect Homestead Size Maple Syrup Tapping Setup
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West Virginia is Fracked….
So the first state is out of the running on our Spreadsheet. Because the whole state of west Virginia is in danger of being Fracked, we have decided we don’t want to live there. Sorry WV.
How to Own Your Dream Farm
“Close your eyes. I want you to imagine your dream farm…What do you see?” In this episode of Homesteady, Aust talks to two individuals in different stages of their journeys to the ultimate destination: The Dream Farm. You-yes, YOU! can go from owning nothing, to finding stepping stones towards the perfect spot for reaching your own […]
Stepping Stones
A few days in to our strategic relocation plans, and we have become overwhelmed by the amount of things we need to figure out and plan. Not just choosing states, but how to sell our home, what to buy, should we rent to feel out an area… The list goes on. A recent episode of […]
Break it down
Day 2 and 3 of this Strategic relocation, and the choice of moving to one of 50 states has us overwhelmed. Instead of trying to decide between 50, we figured we could narrow the selection. So first thing we did was start a chart. A state comparison chart. We figured we don’t want to […]