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How to Start a Homestead Business
Have you thought about turing your hobby farm into a business? Maybe starting to sell goods at your local farmers market? In this episode Aust and Acountaint mike talk about the 3 steps to take to get your hobby business of the ground. This episode was brought to you by XEUS Flashlights. Visit them and […]
A family, A Tradition and The Elk Hunt of a Lifetime – Pioneering a Tradition
Check out this episode! A father who comes from a long line of hunters takes his daughter on a elk hunt. The spend the day following a set of tracks, calling, and chasing a good size bull elk. When he finaly steps out into the clearing, its all in Abbey’s hands to […]
What a Homesteader Can Learn from the Stock Market
Want to know the secret to never buying food again? Its easy. Farm, hunt, fish, and forage. Sorry, not really a secret… and I know it seems impossible in our current lifestyle to be totally food independent. When you talk about someone who farms, hunts, fishes and forages, it sounds more like your describing a […]
Homestead Planning for a year of Sustainability!
Check out this episode! Winter is the slowest time on the homestead. Not as many animals to take care of. Not as many plants to check on. Nows the time to plan for a better year come spring! In this episode we discuss planning ahead On the Farm In the Home(stead) and Outside in the […]
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