Bow hunting on the cheap is not easy.
A new bow can cost hundreds, even thousands of dollars. New camo clothes can break the bank!
And once you finally kill a big deer, then there are butcher fees!
Some may feel that Bow Hunting is cost prohibitive. Unfortunately that prevents many from getting into a sport that will make you a better hunter, keep you in the woods longer, and even kill more deer!
I have bow hunted for years, and I promise non of those years did I have much extra money to spend.
You can bow hunt cheap.
There are a few ways to really save big when you want to hunt with the bow and arrow, but don’t have lots of disposable income…
(disposable income, thats a funny term for a think most of us probably don’t really think exists)
The top 3 ways to save bow hunt cheap:
- DIY CAMO – cheap outer layers from big box stores, spray paint, burlap and brush blinds. DIY and save!
- Natural Scent Control – Skip the no scent specialty soaps, and use baking soda, pine needles and fresh air to control your scent.
- Learn to Butcher – Butchers charge good money for the work they do. Anyone who is capable of climbing a tree and shooting a bow is capable of butchering a deer themselves! Learn to do it yourself!
Homesteady can help you learn to hunt and process your own deer on the cheap!
- Want to learn how to butcher your own deer?
- Want to know what gear is really important to buy, and what is a waste of money?
Our Wild Harvest Whitetail 101 Class covers everything from what gear you need to buy and what you don’t, to how to field dress and butcher your own deer, start to finish!
Click Here to learn more
I love your idea to make some DIY clothing so that you can save some money. My brother wants to go hunting while on our trip to Dallas. We need to find a local area that can help us have a really successful trip.