THE EPIC Homesteady SURVEY! If you are a human and are seeing this field, please leave it blank. This survey takes a person on average less than 3 minutes to complete and will help us shape the future of all Homesteady Productions. What Homesteady Productions do you watch/listen to (choose all that apply) PodcastYoutube VideosYoutube LivestreamsPrepper Broadcasting Liveshow What is your favorite Homesteady production? PodcastYoutube VideosLivestreams Prepper Broadcasting Liveshow This section is all about the PODCAST If you don't listen to the podcast please skip this section! What Podcast Release Schedule Do You Want? Once a MonthTwice a MonthWeekly For the last few years, we have released 1 REALLY HIGH-QUALITY show per month. These shows take much longer to produce. Over the last few weeks, we experimented with weekly shows, less edited, less craft, but more episodes per month... What is more important with the podcast? Quality (1 a month shows)Quantity (weekly shows) To help pay for the production we have included ads during the podcast for 3rd party companies and our own products. How do you feel about the ads? (choose all that apply) TOO MANY!!!TOO LONG!!!I don't like them but I understand why they are thereThey don't bother me at all How long should the Podcast episodes be? Half HourHourOVER a Hour How can we improve the podcast? This section is all about Youtube Videos If you don't watch our Youtube videos please skip How Many Videos Do You Want a Week? 1 weekly video3 videos a weekA Daily video (5 a week) What is more important with the videos? QualityQuantity How do you feel about the ads on the Youtube Videos? (choose all that apply) TOO MANY!!!TOO LONG!!!I don't like them but I understand why they are thereThey don't bother me at all What could make the Youtube Channel Better? This Section is about our Live Show Streaming on Youtube and Prepper Broadcasting each Tuesday night. If you have not listened or watched those please skip this part. What Time is the best for you to watch/listen to a liveshow? (choose all that apply) Weekday MorningsWeekday NightsWeekend Mornings Weekend Nights Why do you like Homesteady? How Many Stars do you give our show? If you are a human and are seeing this field, please leave it blank.