Winter usually slows egg production for your backyard chickens. Use the 3 tips in this video to make sure your chickens lay more eggs all winter long! High Protein Feed Fresh Non Frozen Water Extra Light
SHORT: Pigs 101
In this in depth short episode of Homesteady, we dive into the details of raising pastured pigs. We interview Tom Dexter, a man that has been raising pigs for decades. He shares his insights on how to buy the right pigs for your farm. He discusses breeds, feeding, and pig care. We also share an […]
To Sheep or Not To Sheep- An in depth look at pastured sheep
A broken lawn mover has led Aust to ponder…should he buy a new ride-on lawnmower? Or pass over a new machine and invest in some sheep to eat the lawn? Aust pulls out all the stops and brings in Accountant Mike to develop a comprehensive pro/con list to investigate this completely new venture for the […]
Why Your Garden is Failing…
The pigs destroyed it all… And it was my fault. I let them in. I had neatly mounded screened top soil beds, with walkways laid and paths mulched. One morning I opened the gates, let the pigs in. They turned my garden into a moonscape. And I didn’t care at all. When we first moved […]
The Wrong Reason To Get Chickens (and 3 right ones..)
One of the biggest mistakes homesteaders make is to purchase a flock of chickens to save them money. Saving money by raising your own flock of chickens is almost impossible! If you don’t believe me, just listen to the Egg Laying Chicken episode of our podcast. Accountant Mike gives egg layers a big thumbs down. […]
HOW TO Raise and Process Meat Chickens!
Learn to raise and process your own chicken! Students of our Raising Meat Chickens Course get on farm hands on training. First, the group will be shown how our meat chickens are raised, here on Squash Hollow Farm. Learn about chicken tractoring, pasturing, and free ranging methods. Students will get to handle, and learn about different […]