LIVE SHOW TONIGHT ABOUT HOW TO GROW YOUR HOMESTEAD WITHOUT BURNING OUT… But first Life is full of surprises. Some are inherently good or bad. Doesn’t matter if you are a glass half full person, if you find out your house just got struck by lightning and burned to the ground, it’s a bad day. […]
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Pregnant. Not Planned.
This was a big surprise to us. Sign up to our email list so you don’t miss any of our videos here – SUBSCRIBE to our PODCAST HERE – LOVE HOMESTEADY? Help us keep it going! Becoming a Pioneer – You get instant access to the new forum, discounts, and homesteading classes and […]
Cows Changed Me. For the Worse?
LIVE SHOW TONIGHT ABOUT LIVESTOCK FOR BEGINNERS… But first It is funny how much people can be changed by homesteading. When K first said she wanted cows I didn’t think we should bring them on the homestead. I made it clear these were “Her” cows. I was willing to support the endeavor in whatever ways […]
What is the Best State to Homestead In?
What is the best state for you to homestead in? How can you pick the right place to start homesteading? In this excerpt from our Start Homesteading Today course we talk about how you can find the best place for you to setup your homestead. TAKE THE START HOMESTEADING TODAY COURSE – JOIN OUR EMAIL […]
I Thought it Would Be a Peaceful Morning of Milking the Cows. NOPE
After a long time away from the milk parlor, K starts milking again. She is looking forward to a peaceful morning of milking, but the first morning back turns out to be a little different than expected. Is this your first time here at Homesteady? Join our Email List so you don’t miss out on […]
Start Homesteading Today Course
Do you want to homestead but don’t know where to start? START HERE!