I’m a child of the 90’s. (Born in ’87, don’t remember any of the 80’s) So there’s Mariah Carey, Power Rangers, and of course, Super Mario. And I played Mario like the best of ’em. If you have never played the classic Mario game, there’s a common occurrence. Mario runs along, and suddenly encounters multiple […]
Latest Episodes
Why every homesteader needs to learn to shoot… and where to start if you have never shot a gun in your life… Like me!
If you don’t think you need to shoot on your homestead, you are wrong. A gun is needed when humanely dispatching an animal, protecting your flock from predation, and for hunting or removing animals eating your crops. The point is, Homesteading requires the ability to calmly shoot a gun (or bow). Eight years ago I […]
Wild Harvest – The Whitetail Deer
Learning to Hunt Alone is Hard Take the Wild Harvest Course! In this episode of Homesteady, we discussed learning to hunt, and how many mistakes one can make when learning without a mentor. Aust learned to hunt by trial and error for his first few years, spooking many a deer his first year. After still hunting […]
Why Your Garden is Failing…
The pigs destroyed it all… And it was my fault. I let them in. I had neatly mounded screened top soil beds, with walkways laid and paths mulched. One morning I opened the gates, let the pigs in. They turned my garden into a moonscape. And I didn’t care at all. When we first moved […]
The Wrong Reason To Get Chickens (and 3 right ones..)
One of the biggest mistakes homesteaders make is to purchase a flock of chickens to save them money. Saving money by raising your own flock of chickens is almost impossible! If you don’t believe me, just listen to the Egg Laying Chicken episode of our podcast. Accountant Mike gives egg layers a big thumbs down. […]
The Three Easiest Fish to Catch, Cook and Eat!
If you want to catch and cook fish, don’t worry! it isn’t as hard as it may seem. There are very simple methods to catching and cooking fresh fish! Don’t misunderstand me. I’m no fantastic fly fisherman, I don’t travel to secluded streams to outsmart champion size trout. No… What I can do is […]