One thing I herd often from people about time with your puppy is that “it is all play.”
That’s true. You don’t want to be too serious with your pup, and make him lose his confidence and drive.
But that doesn’t apply when he starts chasing and nipping your kids. It’s not play, it’s bad behavior forming young. And it needs to stop.
Each day we would go outside with the kids and Boone. As the kids started playing, Boone would get excited. And then the chasing would start.
And it wasn’t just with our kids… The Goat kids were getting the chase too! This wasn’t good. So I called Jack.
How to Stop a Lab from Biting and Chasing your Kids… Goat and Human
It was time to stop the kid chasing.
When we would go outside, Boone would run after every child and animal that passed. We would yell and grab at him angrily. This was wrong.
Jack, of Three Cedars Retrievers, told us that puppy’s do not respond well to negatives, (yelling, hitting, anger… That said, I don’t think puppies are alone on this one).
The way to train puppies is with a good old war of attrition.
No, No, No means no.
Instead of chasing your dog, then shouting at him or hitting him, be prepared. Have him on leash, and walk him into the tempting situation. Then when he goes to nip, a quick jerk on the leash and a firm NO! Do that 30 more times.
Same with chasing. Have him on leash. When he goes to chase the goats… A quick jerk and NO! And again, and again, and again!
Training a Pup Takes Dedication.
These lessons need repeated daily. It takes constant exposure and repeated nos. But it works. The goats and Boone get along just great now!

I really really very thankful to you. Your tips and tricks are really very awesome and helpful. I followed all your tips. I get a very excellent result. Now my puppy doesn’t bite anymore. He is now very friendly to my friends too. But a few weeks ago, he was very aggressive. Now his behaviour is changed.
But I have an another problem . He becomes weak day by day. Please tell me, what kind of food is better for him? If you write about puppy’s health care , it will be more helpful for me.
Thank you for your excellent writing.
The damaging habits of my dog forced me to evaluate how I could teach him. I tried this online training system and it has given me excellent resaults, My dog now not bites my furnishings, or my shoes, not urinates inside the room, and no longer barks like crazy!