If you are wondering what is it like living in a tiny home as a big family… Today’s video may help you find some answers!
Tiny living has taken over the television, internet, youtube, pinterest and instagram world. The pictures make it look so simple and nice. The shows make you think tiny living will solve all your problems, allowing you all the time in the world to pursue other passions while you no longer need to spend time caring for a big home.
There are some things most of the shows and pictures don’t talk about. The challenges you face living in a tiny home.
Over the last 9 months our big family of 6 lived in 1000 square feet above a pole barn. It was a place for us to live while another house on the property was being built. We actually enjoyed some things about tiny living, and both of us felt it changed us for the better… but tiny living does have its challenges!
The First Big Challenge of Tiny Living… STORAGE (duh)
As a homesteader, we have about a million things. Livestock. Feed for that livestock. Tools to care for that livestock. Tools to clean up after that livestock. Hunting gear. Fishing gear. Food storage gear. Food to store. Milking equipment. Cans. Jars.
Yea. That list could go on and on forever. In a tiny home, there is only so many places to store things. SO the lack of storage is a real problem. Even if you are not homesteading on a large scale, you still will need places for your family’s food and clothing, and that can be a real mess!
Second Challenge of Tiny Living… SHARING A BATHROOM!
The dreaded one bathroom to six people senario. Picture your family, having spent the morning out shopping, goes out to lunch, then returns home hours later… and EVERYONE runs for the Loo… No imagine there is only one. Yep.
We found sharing a toilet and bath to be very tricky at times. Often we would encourage the family to use the toilet out, and baths we always shared. Mom gets the first bath, and then the water is shared for the other family members, from least dirty to most dirty last.
The Third Challenge of Tiny Living… CABIN FEVER!
Tiny living in the spring, summer and fall is amazing. You feel so much more connected with the outside world, with nature. Because your home is small you feel compelled to go outside more, which means spending more time in the outdoors, which always is great.
Then winter arrives. UGH.
Long, cold and dark, winters are hard with a big family in a tiny home. Cabin fever is a real struggle. Lots of noise and energy confined to a small space can make you a little crazy as a parent. So GET OUT! Go on field trips, visit grandma, whatever you can do to get out of the small space as often as you need it.
Tiny homes are great stepping stones, and if you plan accordingly, they can even be a good start to a more reasonably sized modest home that is added on to your tiny home start… We enjoyed the time in our tiny home, but are so excited to finally be in our farmhouse on the property!
That said… tiny living did change us for the better, and we will always be thankful we learned the lessons of tiny living!
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